Release Process


If it's early in the year, make sure you put down the right year in the CHANGELOG!

  1. Figure out what the next version number is. See the PVP_ page if unsure.

  2. Update version numbers in the relevant cabal files:

    • Update the version field
    • Update the tag in the source-repository block
  3. Fill in all @since unreleased Haddock comments with the relevant version number.

  4. Update version numbers in the tables in the README page.

  5. Ensure the relevant CHANGELOG files have all the entries they should.

  6. Add the release information to the relevant CHANGELOG files:

    • Change the unreleased title to the version number
    • Add the current date
    • Add the git tag name
    • Add the Hackage URL
    • Add the contributors list
  7. Commit.

  8. Push to GitHub and wait for GitHub Actions to confirm everything is OK. If it's not OK, fix what is broken before continuing.

  9. Merge the PR.

  10. Tag the merge commit. Tags are in the form <package>-<version>, and the message is the changelog entry.

  11. Push tags to GitHub.

When the merge commit successfully builds on master the updated packages will be pushed to Hackage by Concourse.

Pro tips

  • If a release would have a combination of breaking and non-breaking changes, if possible make two releases: the non-breaking ones first, and then a major release with the breaking ones.

    This makes it possible for users who don't want the breaking changes to still benefit from the non-breaking improvements.

  • Before uploading to Hackage, check you have no changes to the files (for example, temporarily changing the GHC options, or adding trace calls, for debugging reasons).

    stack upload will upload the files on the disk, not the files in version control, so your unwanted changes will be published!